;; There was once a question on CCA, about How to retrieve
;; the list of all frozen layers in some VIEWPORT.
;; Here're the functions for that, evolving with the time.

(defun get-frozen-layers (vp-ename)
  (last (last (get-xdata vp-ename "ACAD"))))

;; get EED as an arbitrary list of values, w/out any specific codes (1040 etc).
;; 1002 '{' and '}' control codes actually processed as a
;; beginning / ending markers of lists and those sub-lists created,
;; thus converting the one-dimentional EED data stream into a tree-like
;; LISP list of arbitrary structure
(defun get-xdata (ename appname)
 (re-list             ;; reconstruct list
  (mapcar 'cdr        ;; of values
   (cdadr (assoc -3   ;; of EED code-groups
    (entget ename (list (strcase appname))))))))

;; Now we need to reconstruct list from it's
;;    one-dimentional EED representation.
;; That's what RE-LIST is all about.

;; older version; a lot of stack space consumed
(defun re-list0 (l / rest) ;; lexical closure for REST of input stream
  (re-list0-aux l))        ;; internal function

(defun re-list0-aux (l / tok)     ;; RECURSIVE ITERATION ! :) :)
  (setq tok (car l) rest (cdr l)) ;; get first element and advance
    ((null  l)   nil)      ;; stop recursion!
    ((= "}" tok) nil)      ;; stop recursion! REST contains the rest of stream.
    ((= "{" tok) (cons (re-list0-aux rest) (re-list0-aux rest)))
    (T           (cons  tok                (re-list0-aux rest)))))

;; {{I call it Recursive Iteration :) because it builds the list
;;   structure by recursion, but scans the input list with iteration,
;;   when recursive AUX function changes an OUTER variable REST,
;;   and NOT the one it got as its argument.}}

;; the functions below can be used to watch how re-list0 is working
(setq *verbose* 'T)       ;; set to NIL to suppress output

(defun re-list0p (l / inp)  ;; with Print Out
  (re-list0p-aux 2 l)
  (princ) )

(defun re-list0p-aux (k l / tok);; RECURSIVE ITERATION ! :} :}
  (prink "TOK: " (setq tok (car l)))
  (setq inp (cdr l))
  (prink "RES: "
    ((null  l)   nil)     ;; stop recursion!
    ((= "}" tok) nil)     ;; stop recursion! INPut continues.
    ((= "{" tok)
          (re-list0p-aux (+ k 2) (prink "FIRST : " inp) )
          (re-list0p-aux (+ k 2) (prink "SECOND: " inp))))
    (T (cons
          (re-list0p-aux (+ k 2) (prink "REST  : " inp)))))))

(DEFUN prink  (m x)
  (IF *verbose*
      (PRINC "\n")
      (REPEAT k (PRINC "  "))
      (PRINC m)
      (PRIN1 x))
;; end of print-out version

;; RE-LIST0 can be further optimized in order to minimize stack space
;; consumption. Actually, REST is a redundant variable. I can just
;; as well use L itself for keeping track of iteration, so AUX function
;; would take no arguments (working on outer variable L), thus saving
;; greatly on stack.  TOK variable can be eliminated by using
;; two utility functions, DEL1 and POP, for advancing on list L.

;; delete first element from the list, discarding its value.
(defun del1 ( _q_lst ) ;; a quoted SYM of list as argument
  (set _q_lst (cdr (eval _q_lst))))

;; delete first element from list, returning its value.
(defun pop ( _q_lst / _v )
  (setq _v (car (eval _q_lst)))
  (set _q_lst (cdr (eval _q_lst)))
  _v )

;; next version; trying to save on stack space
(defun re-list1 (l)    ;; working on this L
  (re-list1-aux))      ;; internal function

;; here it is, with comments and explanations of how recursion works:
(defun re-list1-aux () ;; the working function for re-list()
  (cond                ;; WHEN
    ((null lst)        ;;  input list ends:
        nil)           ;;    stop recursion.
    ((= "}" (car lst)) ;;  "}" is encountered:
        (del1 'lst)    ;;    advance on input list, discarding the "}" symbol
        nil)           ;;    and stop recursion
    ((= "{" (car lst)) ;;  "{" is encountered: make inner list:
        (del1 'lst)    ;;    advance on input list, discarding the "{" symbol
        (cons          ;;    and then add
         (re-list1-aux);;      a result of processing up to matching "}"
         (re-list1-aux);;      to the result of processing what's left.
    (T (cons           ;;  regular case: add
        (pop 'lst)     ;;    first element
        (re-list1-aux) ;;    to the result of processing what's left.

;; It may be optimized even further. I tried to save stack
;; space and hence used DEL1 and POP, but I can use TOK as well
;; declaring it as a local var of main function, and not the
;; inner, recursive one.

;; To show a concept in more clear way, --
(defun re-list2 (l / tok)

(defun read-token()
 (setq tok (car l) l (cdr l))

(defun re-list2-aux()
 (if l     ;; if input ended, return NIL immediately
  (cond    ;; else
   ((= (read-token) "}") nil)
   ((= tok "{") (cons (re-list2-aux) (re-list2-aux)))
   (T  (cons tok (re-list2-aux))))))

;; The COND clause may be regrouped into IFs, and read-token
;; inlined. Here's the simplest, shortest RE-LIST, using the
;; least possible stack space (I hope) :)

(DEFUN re-list (lst / tok aux ?)
  (DEFUN aux ()
    (IF (AND lst
          (SETQ tok (CAR lst) lst (CDR lst) ? (/= tok "}")))
      (CONS (IF (= tok "{") (aux) tok) (aux))))

;; This defines AUX function and calles it immediately.
;; AUX works recursively on its OUTER variable, LST,
;; iterating over it. Return value is being built as a result
;; of recursion process, when each invocation of recursive
;; function iterates over input list. {Wow! \;} :)

;; The reason I am so excited about this little thing is because
;; it's a READER function, meaning that it is used to read
;; some sort of description language, ananlyze it and build
;; some structures from it. It means that similar approach
;; can be used to build another READER functions, for another
;; descriptive languages. In our case the language is very
;; simple, just (1002 . "{") and (1002 . "}") controls, but
;; it can be anything we need. PARSING an input file or
;; READING it is always a process of reading one-dimentional
;; input stream and converting it into some inner representation.
;; It is this principle that makes it possible to build various
;; interpretors and compilers.

;; So in fact RE-LIST is sort of a "compiler". :)
;; It "compiles" one-dimentional EED data stream into
;; a LISP tree-like lists.

;; It's also possible to use a LISP's built-in subr, READ, for
;; that, now that we've got the idea of "reading" -- although
;; to make one yourself is much more fun. :)

(defun re-list4 (lst)
 (read (re-list4-aux lst)))

(defun re-list4-aux (lst) ;; original idea by Morten Warankov
   (apply 'strcat
       ((= x "{") "(")
       ((= x "}") ")")
       ((= 'REAL (type x))
         (strcat (rtos x 2 20) " "))
       ((= 'INT (type x))
         (strcat (rtos x 2 0) " "))
       ((= 'STR (type x))
         (strcat "\"" x "\""))
       ((and x (listp x))
         (re-list4-aux x))
       (T "")

;; But then, it will fail if the list is not balanced,
;; whereas our RE-LIST will not. On the other hand,
;; re-list is still very stack-hangry, but re-list4
;; which uses built-in READ, is much more stable.

;; After some tests I found out that stack usage was
;; improved ONLY by 2%. :-( I guess that mainly it's used
;; for storing intermediate results of AUX functions,
;; and eliminating REST etc was very small improvement after all. :)
;; Still it was a nice exercise...