; From - Thu Nov 06 03:57:04 1997
; Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 03:57:04 +0200
; From: Vladimir Nesterovsky 
; Newsgroups: autodesk.autocad.customization
; Subject: Re: Saving old Line Types from a drawing.
; References: <3460BB20.3A73@gmgw.com> <3460C8DC.742C@autodesk.com>
; Here is stripped down version of some lisp file
; from my application that has this and much more.

  ;; Copyright Vladimir Nesterovsky, 1997,
  ;; mailto:vnestr@netvision.net.il
  ;; http://www.netvision.net.il/php/vnestr
  ;; Use this for your own *non-commercial*
  ;; purposes *only*. You must keep this header.
  ;; {full version is available with more features
  ;;  like scale factor, output pattern etc.
  ;;  if you'd like to use it commercially}.

  (defun c:ltdump( / dwgname olderr *error*)
   (Setq olderr *error* *error* '((s)
     (if (= 'FILE (type fd))(setq fd (close fd)))
     (Setq *error* olderr) s))
   (setq dwgname
    (if (= "14" (substr (getvar "acadver") 1 2))
      ((lambda(s)(substr s 1 (- (STRLEN s) 4)))
     (getvar "dwgname")))

   (cond ((setq fd (open (strcat dwgname ".lin") "w"))
    (princ (strcat
              "\n;; LINETYPEs for file " dwgname ".dwg"
              "\n;; -- created by Vladimir Nesterovsky's program --"
              "\n;; --     mailto:vnestr@netvision.net.il        --"
              "\n;; --  http://www.netvision.net.il/php/vnestr   --\n\n"
           ) fd)
    (foreach lt
        (mapcar '(lambda(x)(cdr(mapcar'cdr x)))
          ((lambda(/ lst a)
            (while (Setq a (tblnext "LTYPE" (not a)))
              (setq lst (cons a lst)))
            (reverse lst))))
      (if (/= "CONTINUOUS" (car lt)) (progn
       (princ (strcat "*"  (car lt)  ","  (caddr lt) "\nA") fd)
       (princ (apply 'strcat
                (mapcar '(lambda(x)(strcat ", "(rtos x 2 4)))
                         (cdddr(cdddr lt)))) fd)
      (princ "\n" fd)
    (setq fd (close fd))
    (mapcar 'princ (list "\n Linetype definitions file " dwgname ".lin created!"))

; Eric Stiles wrote:
; >
; >  I opened up an old drawing and would like to some how save my old
; >  custom line types to a line type file.  Yes I could re-create the line
; >  type file that I some how lost.  But I was hoping that some one might
; >  have a lisp program that would grab them from a drawing and write them
; >  to a *.lin file.
; --
; Live long and prosper :)
; Vlad
;  http://www.netvision.net.il/php/vnestr/
; (defun ss-foreach ( ss _qfoo / n )
;  (if (= 'PICKSET (type ss))
;   (repeat (progn (setq n -1) (fix (sslength ss)))
;    (apply _qfoo (list (ssname ss (setq n (1+ n))))))))